
Love this pic at the 1st sight... This flying cow flies to look for it's dreams & hope... I hope one day, I'll be able to fly and find my freedom & dream too...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Out of the mouth comes evil.

From a chinese saying~~ Illness comes from food and trouble from speech. 病从口入,祸从口出。

Human are social animals. They communicate, they talk, they chit-chat with each other and this evolved into career and even weapon to hurt each other. 

From what I experience in life, everywhere in the world, we will tend to listen other people and afterthat spread the message to others. Some treat it as a joke and some treat it seriously. This is what we call GOSSIP~

This might not be true for everyone but from what I observed, mostly female love gossiping. Public usually address them Aunties. But this is just a general statement and does not apply to everyone.

Anyway, come to the point where we talk about speech. If you use it wisely, then you are wise. If you use it to laugh and hurt others, then sorry I LOOK DOWN ON YOU! Allow me to burst out a little~~

Aunties oh aunties, if you want to boast about your child, go ahead, we have our rights not to listen.
Aunties oh aunties, if you want to talk about other people's child, please think before you speak.
Aunties oh aunties, do you know when you are gossiping, you are actually wasting the oxygen in your body? The oxygen you used is being wasted as you used it to gossip others~!

By the way, aunties doesn't mean those housewives only, even those single young ladies when they gossip also we will address them as aunties too~

Young aunties oh young aunties, when your friend share their thoughts with you and you go and spread around, and make it a laugh and hurting your friends in the end, then congratulations you are now officially an gossip aunty!


Gossiping is not wrong but it is a crime when you hurt others. I believe, what comes around goes around~

Signing off~~