
Love this pic at the 1st sight... This flying cow flies to look for it's dreams & hope... I hope one day, I'll be able to fly and find my freedom & dream too...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pre-Wedding photoshooting- trying on the gowns

We're taking our pre-wedding photoshooting soon!

For the first time I think I look nice on gowns :P

Just a snapshot here, upload more after the real photo shoot. :)

My ROM~ Love now and forever

My beloved and I finally got together and legally now husband and wife. Here are some of the photos taken that day after the registration in Putrajaya. :*

Love forever and everlasting~~~

14th of December 2013~ My Master Graduation

It's time to update some of my big event of my life here. Last December 2013, I finally had my masters scroll and for the second time, I said hi to the mortar board(the square hat for graduates).

Below are some of the photos of the graduation:

By the way, thanks to this masters cert, I finally get to start my part time career as a part time lecturer in OUM. Loving it~ ^^